Spanish-to-English and English-to-Spanish dictionaries and references
13 | avenida | avenue |
14 | banco | bank |
15 | baño | bathroom |
16 | café | coffeeshop |
17 | iglesia | church |
18 | cambio de moneda | currency exchange |
19 | hospital | hospital |
20 | carretera | highway |
21 | hotel | hotel |
22 | cine | movie theater |
23 | museo | museum |
24 | barrio | neighborhood |
25 | parque | park |
26 | estacionamiento | parking |
27 | comisaría | police station |
28 | oficina de correos | post office |
29 | restaurante | restaurant |
30 | escuela | school |
31 | calle | street |
32 | esquina | street corner |
33 | piscina | swimming pool |
34 | teatro | theater |