Learn Spanish - Numbers 10 to 20

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Words 11 of 42

Spanish-to-English and English-to-Spanish dictionaries and references

Click on any English or Spanish word from the list to see more detailed translation and definition of that word. Select other reference and look up same word in a different dictionary.
{{item.i}} {{item2}} {{item.e}} {{item2}}
Optimized for mobile. Take this quiz on your phone.
Find the correct translation of the given word.
Score : {{nRunningScore()}} Errors : {{nErrors()}} Total : {{nNumberOfQuestions()}}
Select List/Quiz

Make a selection from a dropdown to load another list of Spanish words. Go over the list and remember as much as you can. When ready, take a quiz. You will need to match Spanish words to their English translation. Practice each subgroup before moving to a full list.
More tests at English for Spanish speakers